Monday, January 11, 2010

Help Megat and His Family: Show That You Care

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Since 2 years ago, Megat ( has been suffering a mysterious disease which has taken too much of his resources in terms of time, energy and financial; till the extent that he have to resign from his post as IT Senior Engineer.

Although he is currently into full time writing at his blog together with a number of small businesses (explained here), he is currently in dire need of supports, especially in term of financial means; as his resources has depleted into critical level. What I wrote here is just a tip on an iceberg, do read the full story HERE.

With a wife and two your, he needs your support more than ever. So, if you are able to contribute to help ease his burden, please do so through this channels:

CIMB: 0123 0015 4575 21
Maybank: 1010 7541 8124
Full name: Faisal Amirul Othman

If you would like to contact Megat directly, you can do so through HERE or leave a message on his Twitter.

[Blogger - We Care initiative and icon credit to Support the effort!]

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