I’ve heard of Big Bad Wolf Books’ legendary sale for quite some time since lots of my mates and colleague have visited the sale. However, due to my current economy status – I just got myself the new Nokia Lumia 920 which is pretty costly I must say – and I don’t have my own transport, I refused to go at first.
But fate seemed want me to be there so bad (HAHAHA) - my sisters decided to drag me to the venue last Friday and boom. ALL MY MONIES, THEY ARE GONE.
So, here’s our journey into what claimed to be as the world’s biggest book sale. Oh, and welcome back to Chap’s Lumia Travelogue – now featuring pictures from my new Nokia Lumia 920. :D
While the road seemed hectic here at the Malaysia International Exhibition and Convention Centre’s entrance, there were still a lot of parking spots inside the convention centre actually.
Just before you enter the hall, there are some (intact) Lamborghini around...
...and totaled one as well. How and why do they still keep this one…or did they kutip it from Lambo’s crash test centre, lol?
This map seemed very helpful but once you stepped into the hall...
...I would say it was pretty useless. ERMAHGEEDDDD BOOOOOOOOOKSSSSSSS! xD
There were some magazines too but not much titles were around at the time of my visit.

Yup, I do agree with the above's sign - the pricing at BBWB Sale were too damn cheap! For example, one of the books that I bought - the ridiculously heavy and thick Kiss Kompendium - originally cost RM 229 (USD 75) according to its sleeve but at BBWB Sale, it was priced at only RM 45. Score!
Another example is the average price of paperback (and quite a number of hardcover) novel which was around RM 8 according to my observations. The cheapest book in my loot was priced even lower than that, at RM 6.
Big Bad Wolf Books merchs, for those who seeking merchs to remind them of their time at BBWB Sale 2012, lol.
Apart from BBWB merchs, there were also some product stash such as music CDs, interactive books and etc. beyond the checkout counters.
Me and my sisters' loot after 3 hours of epic book hunting at BBWB Sale.
I'll come back again next year, dear Wolfie. I promise - as long as the offer is still this damn good. xD
As I trying to pick up reading once again, I have to say that the timing of BBWB Sale was just right and it has supplied tons of stuff that should keep me occupied for the next several months for a very low price. Felt kinda stupid of not pitching the idea to my sisters in the first place.
Well, that's all for now. Till the next Chap's Lumia Travelogue, 'ta!
All images were snapped with Nokia Lumia 920. No editing were done on them apart from watermark.
Yup, this is the main reason why I go to BBWS. It's just that awesome.
Can't wait for 2013 edition! :D
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